5 Must Have Ways To Maintain Your Tyres For Holidays

We are almost nearing the end of December and many of us have made plans to make the most out of our holidays. Among many pending activities that you may have listed in your to do list this season; you can also include examining your car tyres. This will not only help you achieve a problem free drive but also improve your fuel efficiency and make your car roadworthy.

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Following are some key takeaways on how you can maintain your tyres easily before heading out on the road.

Thorough Inspection

Before you take your vehicle on a drive, be mindful about properly examining the condition of your tyres. If you make a habit of regular tyre inspection beforehand it can eventually save you from a lot of road trouble later. If you find any cut, bulge or deterioration on the outer layer of your tyres, it is a hint that they need repair or a change. Therefore it is recommended to head towards a reliable mechanic near your locality before your tyres worsen in condition.

Pressure Check

No one likes sluggish or slow driving while being on a road trip with family. It is advisable to always check appropriate pressure levels of your tyres before heading out.  It can be tricky to gauge appropriate pressure levels in your tyres at times. In order to make it easier, you can use a portable tyre pressure measuring gauge. This way you can note the level of air pressure in your tyres and in case your tyres are underinflated you can get them pumped to required level from a nearby tyre garage.

Look at your Tread

Checking tread wear patterns every two months helps a motorist gauge the quality of the tyres at an early stage. The tread depth secures the outer layer of your tyres from external harm caused by road debris or even a pothole for that matter. A recommended tread level from experts is considered to be between 1.6mm to 3mm. In case you find that your tread level has deteriorated, you can head towards a local tyre stop and get it fixed by professional experts present there. Lets say, you are in Scotland for your holidays and you are finding an authentic garage, you can buy tyres in Stirling from Fife Autocentre.

Aligned Wheels

No one likes their vehicle getting out of control while driving. One of the reasons this may be happening to your vehicle is because of inappropriate wheel alignment. If you feel your tyres wobbling or your steering vibrating while driving, that’s another hint that you are driving with misaligned wheels. This will eventually make your vehicle not only roadworthy but also safety proof to be driven around the UK.

Go Easy on Loading

At times we get excited for holidays and stuff up our vehicle with an extra amount of load that can damage the tyres! Overloaded tyres will not perform well on road as higher amount of load can cause the adequate pressure in tyres to loosen up. Not just this but your vehicle’s fuel efficiency can also reduce causing an overall unpleasant drive. Therefore it is always advisable to go easy while loading your car in order to experience a smooth drive.

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