Signs It’s Time for TV Aerial Repair

TV time has become the quintessential way for family and loved ones to spend quality time together. It is fun to bond over new movies, television series, and quiz shows. Despite the rise of online streaming platforms, this device remains an important part of many homes.

But even with the sophisticated developments in technology we are experiencing today, it is still possible to have problems with your TV every once in a while. One common cause is the TV aerial. This is because it is the part of the TV that is set up outside your home. As a result, it is exposed to sun, wind, rain, and debris. 

Before your issues worsen, it is important to use this company for seeking professional advice regarding your TV. TV aerial repair is not an easy feat and the presence of an expert will help ensure that any attempts to fix the issue will actually succeed. Here are the five most common signs that you need to conduct TV aerial repair.

Little to No Signal

The most common aerial problem involves a weak signal. A poor signal causes interruptions in your viewing time. It is impossible to miss this problem because your TV will show a “no signal” message. 

You could try moving the aerial to a better location, where it will not be obstructed by trees or other buildings. Before you get to this point, you should also check your aerial regularly to make sure that there are no branches wrapped around it.

If branches have found their way to your aerial, then you will need to get a professional to remove the debris and reposition the aerial. Alternatively, you may also need to raise your aerial by having it installed in a higher location or using a mast.

Double Images / Ghosting

Ghosting in television occurs when a double image of your TV show appears on the screen. It can be difficult to enjoy what you are watching when this happens and you may even get eye strain from it. This usually happens when a TV signal travels down two different paths to a receiving antenna at different times.

To fix this issue, consult a professional and have your TV aerial repositioned.

Electrical Interference

It is possible for other electrical appliances to interfere with the quality of your TV signal, especially small appliances like razors and vacuums. To find the cause of this issue, test your appliances individually and find out which one causes that reaction with your TV.

Aerial Damage

Aerial damage can occur as a result of bad weather or general wear and tear. This first begins to happen when the protective jacket wrapped around your cable wears away. Once the interior cable is exposed, moisture can accumulate and cause problems in the wiring. 

If your TV aerial installation is more than ten years old then it is also more likely to suffer from worn out wires. 

In this scenario, you will need to contact a local TV repair company to have certain items replaced. Due to the skill and expertise needed for this job, it is strongly recommended that you avoid doing this project on your own.

Grainy Media

There is nothing more frustrating than finally having everything in order, only to discover that it looks like you are watching your favorite shows through frosted glass. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to try and get things in order on your own before you consult a professional.

First, check your aerial connection and make sure that it is properly connected. Often, we may accidentally bump into our TVs while cleaning or passing by. It is easy to accidentally knock off pull out the cables. This, in turn, affects the clarity and strength of your connection. 

If you do not have any problems with the connection, then make sure that the right source has been connected. To do this, take your remote and press the Source, AV, or Input button. From here, you should be able to scroll through different outputs and return to the correct setting.

Now that you have verified the Source, the problem may persist if it needs re-tuning. Every once in a while, your TV needs to be re-tuned so that it can continue accessing services. This procedure will be outlined in the TV manual.

Finally, if you are still getting grainy images after all the troubleshooting, the TV itself could be the problem. Check its warranty and contact the supplier for a replacement.

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